Monday, 19 November 2012

Plan of Action

Ok, so I'm hoping that if I set myself some goals for this week, then I'll be able to push for them and and make some progress!

I've got quite a lot of University work for the next couple of weeks so its nothing monumental for this week but still!

Goal 1:
I'm hoping to go through my 3/4 main characters and plot their development throughout my novel.

I've managed to plan the basic outline of my plot, so I can sort of begin to think about how its going to change my main characters throughout the book. I'm hoping this'll mean that there's a logical progression for the characters and its not disjointed.

Also, this should ease me into the writing process, without me having to straight away start the actual book.

Goal 2:
This one sounds like it should be easier, but I've got a feeling this'll potentially be the hardest bit to finalise.

I want to try and come up with the names for my main characters.

I've got a few ideas, but I keep finding that all the names I've decided on are stolen from somewhere else. I think I'm going to be quite fussy in making sure its perfect, so this could be something that changes a lot over the process!

If anyone actually reads this and has any tips about coming up with names then that'd be great!!

So these goals aren't too extreme for the next week, but they're gonna be important foundations so I want to make sure I get them right!!

I'll hopefully post again mid-week to update how its going!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Here goes nothing...

I'm not sure how to start my first ever blog post, but introducing what my blog is about will probably be a good place to start!

I've always wanted to be an author. I've never taken it seriously: I know it's unlikely to lead anywhere, and I know that very few people actually make a living as an author, but it's something I've always wanted to do. I've tried to plan and write books a couple of times in the past, but I've always abandoned it and given up. I've just never had the motivation, or time, to give it a real go, but:

I'm a second year History student, so I've got a decent amount of spare time, I've got access to any resources I'm going to need, and my University (Leeds) has tutors and staff who are dedicated to creative writing, and so I've got somewhere to turn if I need some advice (aside from here of course!). 

All that means this is the perfect time for me to give it a go. My only issue will be motivation. As a History student, I've got some experience of having to give myself a kick up the backside to get stuff done, but I know that I'll struggle to persevere without something to keep me going. 

Hence the blog.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep a record of what I've managed to do (most likely on a weekly basis), and that I'll work at it to try and avoid the shame of admitting I've done nothing!!! I'm also hoping that this will give me a place to vent any frustrations I've got about the process, as well as giving me somewhere to brainstorm ideas and (hopefully!) get some feedback about my ideas if people follow my blog!

I'm starting out optimistic, and I'm going to do my best to make sure I stick to it!!! Here goes nothing!